Monday, January 23, 2012

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, "Walk By Faith Not Sight" and The Chronicles of Mrs B! I've shared with many of you that this blog was in the making and soon coming. I hope that you are all blessed, uplifted and encouraged in your daily walk. 

As I considered how to begin this blog, I was drawn to a journal entry from 2006. I read it and was impressed how timeless it was. I've cycled around a few more times since then and grown even more in my relationship with Jesus. I've met many people along the way and have realized all the more the need of being those light bearers and reflectors, as "we walk by faith and not by sight". 

Reflectors of Light.....August 16, 2006....

I'm sitting in Auditorium Square Park, watching the children running and chasing pigeons. They are doing the same things my children once did. They are climbing in the "climbing tree" as the mothers stand near-by talking ~ sharing their child experiences. It's interesting to watch the cycle of life. The children are doing things in the same way. The mothers are sharing the same type stories as they did 20 years ago. Isn't it the same as with the Word of God. The stories are the same, yet the people have changed. Human-kind are still in need of the same things ~ sharing like experiences and seeking common ground. The Creator is our common ground!

"The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him." Lamentations 3:25 Hasn't He been faithful? Hasn't He seen us through? "He is the same yesterday, today and forever" We grow. The situations may repeat, but our responses are different. We are being conformed into His image ~ if we are looking to Him!

The Lord was speaking to me on Sunday morning as I sat at the pavilion at the end of Ocean Pathway. I was sitting at the 9:00 AM worship service. Jonah was the message and God's mercy and grace. It was a bright, sunny morning. The sun was over the pavilion ~ out of my view. As I looked out over the water ~ it appeared as though there were a million diamonds shining in the water ~ reflecting the light of the sun! God spoke to my heart ~ we as Christians are like those diamonds in the sea of humanity ~ reflecting His light! Jesus is hidden from their view ~ but in the light reflected by us ~ they see Him and are drawn to His love ~ His grace ~ His mercy.

I was just walking through Auditorium Square when the chimes chimed and it went through the very core of my being. A woman just walked by and said, " How peaceful ". Yes, the world is full of war and hatred ~ but right here, at this time and place ~ there is peace ~  the peace that only comes from God ~ the Creator.