Friday, February 10, 2012

Glorious Things To Come

I awoke the other day with a struggle going on in my mind about the Lord's purpose and how it would be so nice if the Lord would just put everything in black and white for us. My mind was drifting to a car ride the night before, when the full moon was rising over the horizon. It looked like a huge orange ball and the craters were so prominent on it’s surface that it was an awe-inspiring sight! I was headed home and riding over the Navesink River and the reflection off the water was bringing back so many memories of the ways in which the Lord has spoken to me over the years while gazing at the full moon. It was reminding me of many times, especially the night a friend and I had referred to as an "All the glorious things to come" night, when wispy clouds were passing over the moon. We were out on a warm summer evening on Ocean Pathway, not far from the tent I was living in for the summer. The moon was full and bright on that night also and there were fast moving clouds going out to sea. Our thoughts had been toward the scriptures we had been studying and upon the Lord’s will for our lives. We were sitting on a bench and gazing upward toward the moon. The clouds were forming shapes as they passed the full moon and we were calling out what we saw.  I still remember how full of the Holy Spirit I felt that night and the things He spoke to my heart concerning life in general, as well as personal. We had been searching for a sign and direction on things to come and had found our answers.  The Lord can speak to our hearts and days later we are asking questions again and we ask once again for a sign of some kind. Why do we always go back to looking for signs, something which we can see? We have this need to grasp and take hold of something solid which we can feel and which we can see with our eyes. Walking by faith, not sight is a far better way! When we get right down to it....Faith is stronger than sight!

We need to trust what the Word of God has to say. We need to look to the scriptures and trust in His promises! People have always sought after “a sign” since the very beginning of time. Throughout the Bible we read of those who sought for God to give them a sign. Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for asking for a sign which is recorded in the book of Matthew. He said that an evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but that it wouldn’t be given. Why did He say this? Was it because asking for a sign was evil?  It was because they had been given many signs…many signs which pointed to Jesus and who He was, yet they chose not to believe. He proceeded to tell them that the only sign which would be given was the sign of Jonah. He then predicted His death and resurrection. He said that a greater than Jonah is here. He has given us something far better than a sign. He has given us Himself!! We find everything for which we seek in Him.

“And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:27-28

We can trust that the Spirit of God is interceding for us in accordance to the will of God. We can know that He is working all things in our lives according to His purpose when we love Him. He gives us blessed peace and rest!

The sun is shining bright today and signs of Spring are all around. I have been out walking and noticing all the new growth after the barrenness of winter. The daffodils’ buds have formed and the crocuses are blooming. Yes, all signs that Spring will soon arrive. Greater than the signs is the hope of which we have. It is the hope of all the glorious things to come. Jesus offers us this hope of things far greater than we can imagine. He is our hope!

“For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees?

 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.

Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weakness. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:24-26

Let us walk forward in hope by faith!  Let us seek Jesus!!!

1 comment:

  1. This was exactly what I was trying to communicate with my kids yesterday, who were challenging me to prove the existence of God. I told them to look all around them and see all the wonderful things He made but they chalk that up all to science and evolution. I have nothing against evolution. So what if we descended from monkeys or apes? Isn't God still in charge of the universe and all He made? No these are not the things that are important. What is importance is the humility to believe that something greater than man or science is at work here! But they are too caught up in their logic and dry world view that there isn't anything Supernatural that created the world. Thank you for reminding me of the faith I need to walk in and the Word that God has given me concerning my children. I didn't know I'd still have to be teaching them by my life after they grew up. So much for expectations!! And I was so full of spiritual pride because i didn't have worldly expectations of my children. Hah! "Humble pie is always hard to swallow with your pride." - Graham Nash.
